
ORGANIC Evening Primrose: Women-Friendly Vegetable Oil

Evening primrose (oenothera biennis)

is a tall grass with yellow flowers from which the seeds are taken to extract an oil which was already used by the American Indians as a healing agent. Mature women are today invited to use it for beauty (dry skin) and health (hormonal balance).

Indeed, the gamma-linolenic acid (omega 6) contained in evening primrose oil promotes the treatment of skin lesions (eczema, psoriasis). Evening primrose oil also contains above all linoleic acid (omega 6) which promotes the metabolic activity of many cells. Evening primrose promotes hormonal balance in women thanks to its combination of essential fatty acids which stimulates the formation of prostaglandins. Evening primrose capsules are recommended to be taken orally for any hormonal imbalance or as menopause approaches. Recent scientific studies have also highlighted the antioxidant activity of evening primrose. 

A simple recipe for dry skin that tends to peel or crack:

  • Neroli Essential Oil (citrus aurantium flower): 4 drops;
  • Petitgrain Bigarade Essential Oil (citrus aurantium leaves): 8 drops;
  • Evening Primrose Vegetable Oil (oenothera biennis): QSP 30 ml.
Gently massage the affected areas morning and evening after cleansing the skin (shower or rinsing with orange blossom water).


Huiles Végétales

Evening primrose - Bio

50 ml - Bio

First cold pressing of Evening Primrose seeds

Sale price9,60 €
Huiles Végétales

Capsules d'Huile Végétale d'Onagre

60 capsules

Première pression à froid des graines d'onagre

Sale price18,50 €


I am allergic to essential oils! Really ?

It's fashionable these days in the conventional cosmetics industry to decry essential oils and denounce their allergenic potential. Many scalded users now claim to be allergic to essential oils. But are they really?For many years, essential oils have proved their wonderful affinity with the skin and their beneficial effect on health. Did you know that aromatherapy was discovered by René Maurice Gattefossé at the beginning of the 20th century when he dipped his badly burnt arm in a bath of pure lavender essential oil?Noting the rapid healing of his burn, he concluded that the Essential Oil had a reparative and anti-inflammatory effect. Since then, thousands of scientific studies have reported on the healing power of certain Essential Oils. So the question is: which Essential Oil are we talking about when we say we're allergic? Is it a good quality Essential Oil, controlled by a pharmaceutical laboratory? Has it been biochemically defined? Most of the Essential Oils that have caused allergies have been of poor quality: cut with alcohol or ethanol or denatured.There is now an official list of allergens published by the European authorities, which includes many components of essential oils: linalool, limonene, etc. These allergens have been listed as such following in vitro tests on isolated molecules. No large-scale tests have been carried out on complete Essential Oils of botanically and biochemically defined quality.This list is therefore mainly a theoretical warning against allergenic substances when consumed in isolation. But this is never the case with Essential Oils, which are made up of dozens of molecules acting harmoniously in synergy.So why have you perhaps experienced an untoward reaction after using a cosmetic product containing Essential Oils? You are probably hyper-reactive to one of the product's components (perfume, alcohol, Essential Oil, preservatives). It may have been a dermo-caustic Essential Oil in too high a dosage.You should therefore avoid coming into contact with this product. But there's no reason to deny yourself the thousand and one ways of doing yourself good with all the other Essential Oils available. Trust only recognised laboratories, sold in pharmacies, and if possible ask the advice of an experienced aromatherapist or consult a serious book.

Soothe sunburn with essential oils - Easy recipe

We are in the heart of summer and most of you are taking advantage of the King to relax. Yes, but sometimes UVB burns our skin deeply. An aromatic treatment that soothes burns and sunburns is easy to perform and very effective in repairing suffering skin. In Dominique Baudoux's latest book, Practical Guide to Family Aromatherapy , we find a small formula for skin burns. This oil based on essential oils is very simple to make and take on vacation in the sun: HECT Lavender Aspic: 60 drops; TEO Rosewood: 20 drops; HECT Noble Laurel: 10 drops; St. John's Wort Vegetable Oil: 10 drops. Place 3 to 8 drops of the mixture on the burn (sunburn) about 6 times a day. Be careful, this area can no longer be exposed to the sun because St. John's wort is photosensitizing. If you are still tanning, we advise you to replace this oil with calendula or avocado oil for mature skin.